25th Cheshire Go Tournament

Saturday 1st March 2025

Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QN

The Cheshire Go Tournament is being held again at Frodsham Community Centre.


All players will compete in a three-round McMahon tournament to determine the Cheshire Open Go Champion.

Time Limits

We are planning to use Fischer Time on electronic clocks. The basic time will be 30 minutes per player, but you get an extra 10 seconds for each move you play. If your time runs out you lose - you are guaranteed at least 10 seconds to think on each move.


Prizes will be awarded to the winner and those winning three games. Other prizes at the organiser's discretion.

Entry Fees

Adults 10.00
Concessions/U18 5.00

If you are not a member of the BGA, or of a foreign Go association, and not at your first tournament, add 5.


Coffee, tea and soft drinks will be available. Frodsham has several eating places for lunch time and there in a general store in the road opposite the Centre, or bring a packed lunch.


Frodsham can be reached via the M56. Leave at Junction 12, following signs to the A56 and continue on into Frodsham. Fluin Lane is the B5152 and runs south from the A56, immediately left after a footbridge over the road. There are signs to the Community Centre, which is on the right. There is a large free car park.

Frodsham station is on the line between Manchester and North Wales, half way between Warrington (11 minutes) and Chester (13 minutes), and on the Liverpool - Chester service via Runcorn. On a Saturday services arrive on both routes in time for the event (for example late in 2023 08:44 from Piccadilly arrives 09:30; 09:47 from Lime Street arrives 10:14).

Turn right at the bottom of the station approach, turn right again and bear east along the High Street for 500m and turn right into Fluin Lane. A shorter route is to exit the south side and turn left across the car park to the sloping path at the far end. Follow this path straight on into a close called Blue Hatch which has the Community Centre on its right.


The Holiday Inn Runcorn is not too far away; Book online, or phone 0800 405060. There are various guest houses in the area.


Registration10:00 to 10:30
Lunch13:00 to 14:00
Prize giving18:30

To Enter

Entries will be via the BGA entry system via the BGA Calendar.

Any queries email or contact Pat Ridley cheshire at kisekigo.com (07816200512).

Please pay cash on the day.

Emergency Number

On the day: 07816200512

Data Protection

Please note that the results of this tournament are displayed on this website and submitted to the European Go Database as described in our Data Protection Policy. The information displayed and sent to the database consists only of your name, club, grade and the results of the individual games.

Home Last updated: 2025-01-23