Countdown in Reading

In aid of Sue Ryder - Duchess of Kent House

Sue Ryder

£105 raised (plus more from tax refunds) - Thanks!

Saturday 20th April 2019 (weekend of Easter)

Winner - Rob Foster


Round scores showing points for and against - in ordering of wins/points scored

Name                 R1+    R1-    R2+    R2-    R3+    R3-    R4+    R4-    R5+    R5-  Total+ Total-  Wins
Rob Foster           88     77    102     74    104     90    110     71    119     78    523    390    5
Tom Cappleman       107     53     74    102    105     71    106     79    102     95    494    400    4
Graeme Cole          86     73     88     77     90    104     79    106    112     76    455    436    3
Ann Dibben           88     64     77     88     87     60     71    110    106     67    429    389    3
Jonathan De Souza    77     88     91     62     71    105     99     73     76    112    414    440    2
Catriona Cappleman   73     86     88     74     90     42     73     99     78    119    402    420    2
Paul Stowe           53    107     76     34     42     90     81     42     67    106    319    379    2
Tony Atkins           0      0      0      0     78     72     88     81     95    102    261    255    2
Ruth Everness        72     44     74     88     60     87     81     88     68     91    355    398    1
Steve Graham         64     88     62     91     72     78     42     81     91     68    331    406    1
Dorothy Flint        44     72     34     76      0      0      0      0      0      0     78    148    0
2019 group


Showing order after round 5 based on wins/sos.
Top two players selected for final by wins/points scored.

1Rob Foster6+2+3+4+7+514
2Tom Cappleman8+1-6+3+5+415
3Graeme Cole7+4+1-2-6+316
4Ann Dibben9+3-10+1-8+312
5Tony Atkins......9+10+2-26
6Jonathan De Souza1-9+2-7+3-215
7Catriona Cappleman3-10+8+6-1-213
8Paul Stowe2-11+7-9+4-211
9Steve Graham4-6-5-8-10+111
10Ruth Everness11+7-4-5-9-110
11Dorothy Flint10-8-.........03


Rob Foster (5 wins 523 points) 96 - Tom Cappleman (4 wins 494 points) 87

2018 winners



Recaps on the Forum

Home Last updated: 2019-04-23.